Daily Policing Media Summary

General Election

Daily Mail reports police attended an election count in Scotland over three cases of alleged ballot fraud. Scottish police rushed to Emirates Arena in Glasgow, where they reportedly seized three ballot papers.

Top Stories

Daily Mail reports Lord Alan Sugar thanked police after the daughters of a serial burglar was ordered to pay almost £100,000 back to their father's victims. Lord Sugar said: 'I am very impressed by the way this investigation has been handled and I would like to thank Essex Police for their persistence.’

BBC reports the extent of a former police chief's deception about his naval career has been published in a 43-page report. Among the false information given by ex-Northamptonshire chief Nick Adderley, a gross misconduct panel said his comments about the murders of two colleagues was ‘most shocking’.

BBC reports the former head of the police complaints watchdog has gone on trial at the Old Bailey charged with sexual offences against two teenage girls more than 30 years ago. Michael Lockwood is charged with eight counts of indecent assault against one girl, and is also accused of three counts of rape, and six counts of indecent assault against a second girl. He has denied all the charges.

The Guardian reports 30,000 police will be deployed across France on Sunday night after the results of a snap election, in which the far right hopes to gain a majority in parliament.

Other Stories

BBC reports a police dog has died while pursuing a suspect wanted in connection with a double stabbing. The Leicestershire Police dog PD Zyla entered the water at a country park but became unresponsive. A man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal.

Brighton Journal reports a record number of police officers at the Met were investigated for alleged misconduct last year, marking an 80 per cent increase to 1,051 investigations from 584 in 2022.

Police Oracle reports that Nick Jones, Chair of Devon and Cornwall Police Federation, has called new ITV1 comedy series Piglets ‘offensive and distasteful.’ Mr Jones said he was in disbelief when he saw a TV trailer for the series, which is set in a fictional police training college.

St Helens Star reported that Merseyside Police arrested 20 suspects across the region as part of a crackdown on domestic abuse. Operation Cassia was an operation to arrest people responsible for both recent and historical cases of domestic abuse.

Policing Insight’s Matthew Wood examines why culture matters in policing, and how traits such as solidarity, suspicion, intolerance, and excitement seeking can damage public confidence. He argues conservatism, cynicism, and policing’s ‘masculine ethos’ can create barriers to reform.


Contact Information

Andrew Gold

Senior Media Officer

College of Policing
